Gear manufacturing options

Hobbing method of gearing manufacturing

Vertical hobs – diameter up to 1500 mm (5 machines)

  • spur gears, helical gears from module 0.6 to module 25
  • gearing with clutch correction (roller – clutch) gearing up to module 20
  • sprockets with roller diameter from 5.08 mm to 39.37 mm
  • worm gears from module 2 to module 15
  • involute splines from module 1 to module 10


Vertical hobs – diameter up to 3150 mm (3 machines)

  •  spur gears, helical gears up to module 30


Horizontal hobbing machines with diameter up to 1250 mm (4 machines)

  • spur gears, helical gears from module 0.6 to module 22, part length up to 5500 mm
  • • involute splines from module 1 to module 10

Shaping method of gearing manufacturing FELLOW, MAAG

Small shapers (2 machines)

  • inner gearing (straight) and inner involute splines (straight) from module 1 to module 10, wheel diameter up to 1000 mm
  • gear racks from module 1 to module 10.


Large shapers – MAAG (4 machines)

  • spur gears, helical gears up to module 36. Wheel diameter up to 4000 mm.
  • inner (straight) gearing and involute splines from module 1 to module 12.
  • gear racks up to module 12.

Grinding of gearing

Gear grinders (4 machines)

  • outer gearing (straight, helical) from module 2 to module 30. Wheel diameter from 40 mm to 2000 mm.

Manufacturing of conical gearing

Klingelnberg AMK850 gearing (1 machine)

  • cyclopaloid conical gearing with curved teeth from module 7 to module 21, wheel diameter up to 1100 mm
  • running in of conical gears after thermal treatment and axial distance check-up


Harbeck KH75 gearing (1 machine)

  • conical gearing straight from module 2 to module 20, helical up to module 12. Wheel diameter up to 750 mm.

Milling of gearing, involute splines and threads using form milling cutters

  • herringbone gearing using end form milling cutters up to module 50
  • inner involute splines using milling cutters modules 5, 8, 10 in cavities of long spindles with spline length up to 890 mm
  • lead threads of spindles and nuts (incl. multi-start threads triple-start and quadruple-start) using end form milling cutters with machining ra1,6

Do you need a quality gear? We will help you.

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About us

We are a purely Czech company without foreign capital. Our goal is to build and maintain a company that can cover the broad spectrum of requirements of our current and future customers. In the production process, we focus on quality, flexibility and price to the full satisfaction of our customers.


 U Vlečky 694, Pozořice 66407

 Česká republika

 +420 724 333 138